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New system to check Ray-Pec visitor IDs

PECULIAR – The Raymore-Peculiar School District plans to implement a new visitor management system after the winter break.

With the new system, each visitor will be asked to provide a photo I.D., which will be inserted into a device and instantly screened against the registered sex offender databases in all 50 states. The system also prints a temporary badge indicating the purpose of the visit and keeps an electronic record for school officials.

The District will begin to implement the system at the seven elementary schools and Shull Early Learning Center. The School Board on Nov. 15 approved a bid from Raptor Technologies to provide the system. Ten companies submitted proposals, and three finalists were interviewed by the Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services, the Director of Technology, the Director of Facilities, and three school attendance secretaries. The unanimous choice was Raptor.

High school seniors may apply for CCHF health care scholarships

High school seniors in Cass County and Grandview, Missouri who are interested in pursuing degrees in health care can now apply for scholarships from Cass Community Health Foundation.

CCHF has $60,000 available for eligible applicants from the establishment of named endowment funds created by local philanthropists. A total of 25 students in the Cass County area received scholarships ranging from $750 to $2,500 in 2018. CCHF’s top scholarship, the Daniel F. Sheehan Nursing Scholarship, was created to honor Daniel Sheehan. Sheehan was the former CEO of Research Belton Hospital, now Belton Regional Medical Center.

Students must have a GPA of 3.0 and an ACT score of 20. CCHF awards scholarships to students enrolled at Archie, Belton, Cass Midway, Drexel, Harrisonville, Pleasant Hill, Raymore-Peculiar, Sherwood Cass and Grandview High Schools interested in nursing or other health related degrees. Preference is given to those studying nursing. Students should apply by March 1.

Visit to apply.

Belton Public Safety Sales Tax Oversight Committee applications being sought

The City of Belton is in the process of creating a Public Safety Sales Tax Oversight Committee, as promised by the City Council when the tax question was first approved for the ballot.

The committee will consist of five Belton citizens, along with representatives from the City Council, Fire and Police Departments.

Applications are being accepted from interested citizens to serve on this committee through Dec. 17. Those interested may complete the application found at, or at City Hall, 506 Main St.

It must be submitted at City Hall by 5 p.m. Dec. 17, or emailed by the deadline to Please call 816-331-4331 with questions, or email


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