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GOP House leaders review 2024 session in Harrisonville

By Allen Edmonds

HARRISONVILLE - Republican House leaders, led by Speaker Dean Plocher (R-Clayton), visited the Cass County seat Wednesday to report on the 2024 legislative session, one in which the House focused on "quality, rather than quantity" of bills passed.

Plocher led off by citing the passage of a balanced budget, a requirement in Missouri, before tallying a list of what he believes are significant investments citizens will notice quickly, including a new $40,000 minimum salary for teachers, and drastic improvements to Interstate 70 and Interstate 44.

Also speaking Wednesday were a variety of regional state representatives, including State Rep. Sherri Gallick (R-Loch Lloyd). Rep. Mike Hafner (R-Pleasant Hill) arrived late due to a prior commitment in Raymore, he said. Rep. Michael Davis (R-Kansas City), who represents parts of Belton and Raymore, did not attend.

Also in attendance were local County Assessor Chris Molendorp, County Auditor Jack Bondon and local attorney Chris Benjamin. Benjamin had served as chief of staff under then-Speaker Rod Jetton (R-DeSoto) from 2005-2009. Jetton now heads the staff for Plocher.

Gallick spoke regarding local initiatives, and Molendorp updated legislators on the senior citizen property tax freeze application process, which is now under way in Harrisonville.

Watch the entire presentation above.

NCH photo/Allen Edmonds


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