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Belton Chamber

The Belton Chamber of Commerce held its Annual Holiday Awards Luncheon on Tuesday at Carnegie Village. Outgoing President Todd Krass, Belton Regional Medical Center chief executive officer, presented the awards.

NCH photo/Allen Edmonds

The Belton Chamber of Commerce held its Annual Holiday Awards Luncheon on Tuesday at Carnegie Village. Outgoing President Todd Krass, Belton Regional Medical Center chief executive officer, presented the awards. Above, Belton Parks Director Brian Welborn receives the Award of Excellence on behalf of the Belton Park Department

NCH photo/Allen Edmonds

Furniture Deals was named Business of the Year. The award was presented by Chamber President Todd Krass.

NCH photo/Allen Edmonds

Fred Yonker, Edward Jones Investments, Belton was named Chamber Member of the Year. Presentation was made by Chamber President Todd Krass.

NCH photo/Allen Edmonds

Inducted as new officers for 2019 were Robert Mayo, president; Karen Fletcher, president elect; Yonker, vice president; Valerie McCoy, treasurer; Teresa Deaton, secretary; Krass, past president; Brooke Bollinger, ambassador; Carolyn Yatsook, city liaison; Sally Smith, special events; Rosemary Sylvan, member at large; Steve Deere, membership; Lisa Cummings, school liaison; and Kim Deeter, business outreach. Outgoing President Todd Krass, left, administered the oath of office.

NCH photo/Allen Edmonds

Glen Hutchinson, DS Bus Service (Belton School District), was presented Star Award, for his quick action in noticing and rescuing a small child stranded in the snow earlier this year, an action that likely saved the child’s life, said Chamber President Todd Krass.

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